How to Become a Rescue Family

Give a Baby the Love and Care They Deserve

Give a Baby the Love and Care They Deserve

To Be Considered by a Birthmother You Must Mail Our Nonprofit the Following:
1. Completed Rescue Family application.
2. Three copies of your adoption trifold brochure with photos.
3. Letter to a potential Birthmom.
4. A signed verification of your home study.

Our Mailing Address:
Project Cuddle (Regarding Rescue Family Application)
2973 Harbor Blvd., Ste. 326
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Everyone with baby 802 EDITED

1. Download, Print & Fill Out a Rescue Family Application

Make sure to use Black Ink & computer-generated signatures will not be accepted!)

2. Write a Letter to Our Birthmoms

This letter should be one page explaining why you want to rescue her baby. This letter needs to be written from your heart. Prioritize what is most important to you as a couple and include this in your letter. If it’s your pets, travel, cooking, camping, etc, just be sure to share that to give the Birthmom a feel for who you truly are, it may be the reason she chooses YOU.

3. Create a Tri-Fold Brochure Introducing Your Family to Our Birthmoms

A tri-fold brochure is simply a 6-panel informational pamphlet you would use as a way to introduce you and your family to the Birthmothers that we work with.

Please visit this link for examples and instructions on how to create a Trifold brochure:

Trifold Brochure Builder:

4. Verified Home Study

Please attach a copy of the signed verification page from your Home Study. We do not need the whole document.

*Home studies must be completed by the State or a Private Adoption Agency.