A New Life Begins: A Story of Courage and Compassion

October 7, 2024

Unplanned pregnancy is a journey filled with immense emotions, trials, and triumphs. It’s a path where the human spirit, driven by courage and compassion, can transform lives. Among the inspiring stories out there, there are tales of brave women who face unimaginable challenges and of those who extend a helping hand to ensure these women and their babies are saved from abandonment. This blog recounts one such journey of an extraordinary woman whose crisis hotline has saved the lives of abandoned babies, offering hope and second chances to many. This is a story that celebrates the power of empathy, determination, and the willingness to make a difference.Chapter One: Somebody’s Got a SecretA Mission to Save LivesLittle did I know that after fostering over 34 drug-exposed babies, my life would take another unexpected turn, leading me to start a crisis line dedicated to saving abandoned babies. What began as a passion to help mothers in need quickly evolved into a mission to save lives. In this section, I’ll share a story from my first book, It’s Never Dull!, detailing how I began my journey in saving babies from abandonment.My First RescueThe phone rang only twelve hours after we had opened our crisis hotline, and I was caught off guard by the urgency of the situation. A young woman, terrified and desperate, told me she hated her unborn baby and was considering abandoning it in a park. She only spoke Spanish, but with the help of my husband Dave and a close friend,…

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Make a Difference: Become a Volunteer or Donor for Project Cuddle

June 18, 2024

Here at Project Cuddle, I am on a mission to prevent baby abandonment and support pregnant women in crisis. As the founder of this nonprofit organization, it has been my greatest joy to see us become a beacon of hope for countless women and their babies. By becoming a volunteer or donor, you can make a profound impact on the lives of those who need it most. I’d like to share the heartwarming story of baby Savannah to illustrate the life-changing work we do and how you can be a part of it. The Story of Baby Savannah Savannah’s journey is a testament to the power of love, education, and support. Born prenatally exposed to drugs, Savannah faced numerous health challenges from the very beginning. However, thanks to the incredible dedication of our team and the compassionate Rescue Family that took her in, Savannah was given a fighting chance at a better life. Before Savannah was born, I personally wrote a comprehensive training manual and provided the Rescue Family with personalized training to ensure they were well-prepared to care for her. I didn’t stop there—I was present during Savannah’s birth, offering support and coaching to her Birthmom. One of the most touching moments of my life was being honored with the privilege of cutting the umbilical cord, marking the beginning of Savannah’s new life with her loving Forever Family. Savannah’s Birthmom still maintains a connection with Savannah and her new family. This openness has created a supportive and loving environment…

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