Birth Mother FAQ
Common Questions and Concerns From Birth Mothers

That is completely up to you; you have complete control as to whether or not you want to be a part of that baby's life. If you have even an ounce of desire, or are unsure, we suggest you put something down in a legally-binding agreement between you and the Rescue Family stating you would like possible visitations or letters.
We receive calls from frightened girls & women daily. If you’re in need of help please call our toll-free crisis number 1-888-628-3353 or 188-TO CUDDLE
Project Cuddle does not share any personal information with friends or family
who call and ask. Everything is COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL.
We can help you clarify what you want in a family for your baby. You’re giving this child a gift by thinking through what’s important to you for this child. You can then rest easy knowing that the Rescue Families who volunteer to adopt your baby, are already Home Study approved through their state, and ready to care for your precious little one at a moment's notice.
Depending on the state if you've had previous children born drug-exposed then there are a few options:
Option 1: Pick a pre-approved Project Cuddle Rescue Family ahead of time, that's open to adopt one of these special little ones. These families will receive in-depth, educational training on how to care for these special babies, once they have been chosen as The Rescue Family.
Note: As long as you have chosen an pre-approved Project Cuddle Resuce Family to be The Adoptive Family, (hopefully) prior to delivery or right after delivery, then you may not be charged with child abuse, which would be put on your record. (In some states, like CA, if it’s your 2nd offense, the child will go directly into Foster Care and be adopted out, and you’ll never see that baby again.)
Option 2: Find a competent family member that will pass Social Services inspections
Option 3: Let your baby go into the Foster Care system, with a chance of never getting them back or seeing your baby again.
Yes it is illegal, in the entire United States and Canada, to leave a newborn abandoned outside unattended, or walk out of the hospital without the baby or without signing the baby over to a Rescue adoptive family or social services.
Whether the baby is a product of rape, sex-traficking, or a one night stand, we will NEVER judge you! Not knowing the paternity of the father will actually make it easier to complete the process, because there’s no one to contest the adoption.
We are not an adoption agency or facilitator. We do not charge the Birthmom or Rescue Families for our services, and we don’t get paid any money from anyone that wants to adopt a child through Project Cuddle, as we do this from our hearts.
-In the state of CA it is now legal. If you’re unsure about the laws in your state, you can call Project Cuddle at 1888-628-3353 or 1-88 To Cuddle, and we will help locate the specifics of the Safe Surrender law in your state.
Note: If it’s not legal in your state you can always deliver safely in a hospital and then once you're discharged, you can call Project Cuddle, or go to another hospital to safely surrender the baby.
If you choose to surrender the baby instead calling Project Cuddle, the child will become a ward of the state, and you will be forfeiting any chance you have to see your child in the future.
However if you would like to work with Project Cuddle and choose a home-study-ready family, you can keep the door open, having the option to see the baby or receive letters and photos in the future.
We can do our best to help you keep your baby, but you need to be willing to work with us and we will do everything in our power to make it possible, if you follow the plan we create specifically for you, with your help.