A New Life Begins: A Story of Courage and Compassion

Unplanned pregnancy is a journey filled with immense emotions, trials, and triumphs. It’s a path where the human spirit, driven by courage and compassion, can transform lives. Among the inspiring stories out there, there are tales of brave women who face unimaginable challenges and of those who extend a helping hand to ensure these women and their babies are saved from abandonment. This blog recounts one such journey of an extraordinary woman whose crisis hotline has saved the lives of abandoned babies, offering hope and second chances to many. This is a story that celebrates the power of empathy, determination, and the willingness to make a difference.

Chapter One: Somebody’s Got a Secret

A Mission to Save Lives

Little did I know that after fostering over 34 drug-exposed babies, my life would take another unexpected turn, leading me to start a crisis line dedicated to saving abandoned babies. What began as a passion to help mothers in need quickly evolved into a mission to save lives. In this section, I’ll share a story from my first book, It’s Never Dull!, detailing how I began my journey in saving babies from abandonment.

My First Rescue

The phone rang only twelve hours after we had opened our crisis hotline, and I was caught off guard by the urgency of the situation. A young woman, terrified and desperate, told me she hated her unborn baby and was considering abandoning it in a park. She only spoke Spanish, but with the help of my husband Dave and a close friend, Pilar, we quickly responded to the crisis. We met Teresa, a frightened young woman, in a local park, along with her little boy, Jose. She didn’t just need a plan for her unborn child—she needed help, understanding, and someone who could guide her through her pain.

A Night of Desperation

Teresa’s story was tragic. She had been raped, too ashamed to report it, and found herself pregnant by a man she didn’t even know. Fearful of what her ex-boyfriend, a prejudiced man, would do if he discovered her pregnancy, Teresa planned to abandon her baby as soon as it was born. She was scared for her future and, most importantly, for her little boy, Jose, who was her world. Through hours of conversation, Pilar and I convinced Teresa to trust us and seek a solution that would protect both her children.

A New Hope

The following day, Teresa called us, filled with newfound resolve. She had decided to give her unborn baby a chance at life. After a long emotional process, we were able to connect Teresa with a loving couple, Sara and Billy, who had been longing for a child for years. Despite Teresa’s initial reluctance to meet them, they embraced her with open arms. The moment Sara and Billy met Teresa was magical, full of hope, and marked the beginning of a new chapter for them all. Teresa’s baby girl, born healthy and strong, became the light of Sara and Billy’s lives.

The Power of Compassion in Action

Saving Abandoned Babies

Stories like Teresa’s are not isolated incidents. Around the world, countless women face crises that leave them feeling alone and afraid. Project Cuddle, the nonprofit organization I started, provides these women with an alternative to abandonment. Whether they need medical care, legal assistance, or emotional support, Project Cuddle ensures that no mother has to face these hardships alone. What began as an idea to help just one woman quickly turned into a large-scale effort to prevent baby abandonment and offer mothers the support they need to make safe and informed choices.

Another Baby Saved

Carrie was another young woman who reached out to us in her time of need. Living in Houston, Texas, she was terrified that her secret pregnancy would be discovered by her family. She had hidden her growing belly for months, fearing judgment and disappointment. As we spoke over the phone, I realized that Carrie was not sick with the flu as she thought—she was in labor. Through careful conversation, I convinced Carrie to allow one of our volunteers to assist her. Kristi, the volunteer, arrived just in time to help Carrie deliver her baby.

It was a dramatic and life-changing experience for everyone involved, but in the end, Carrie found the courage to tell her mother about her pregnancy. Her mother welcomed her grandchild with open arms, and Carrie, for the first time, allowed herself to bond with her newborn son. She is now pursuing a college degree and raising her beautiful son with the love and support of her family.

The Basketball Babe

Alexa’s story is another example of the transformative power of compassion. An 18-year-old basketball player on a full scholarship, Alexa found herself pregnant after a traumatic experience. She was scared of losing her scholarship and ashamed to tell anyone about her pregnancy. But after seeing a segment about Project Cuddle on television, she reached out for help. We were able to bring Alexa to California, where she could safely continue her pregnancy without the fear of being discovered by her teammates or coaches.

Though initially distant from the baby she carried, Alexa eventually came to realize the life growing inside her was precious. With our support, she connected with her family, who welcomed her back with open arms. Alexa’s daughter, Melissa, was born healthy and has since grown into a beautiful young girl. Alexa, once filled with fear, now knows that her life—and that of her daughter—is full of possibilities.

Courage and Compassion

Unplanned pregnancy is often a journey of love, courage, and selflessness. Each mother who chooses to give her baby up, rather than abandoning it, makes a brave decision that changes her life and the life of the baby’s new family forever. But these decisions aren’t made in isolation; they are guided by individuals and organizations who provide unwavering support. Project Cuddle has become a beacon of hope for women in crisis, and I am proud to have been a part of so many inspiring stories.


The stories shared here are just a few examples of the many lives that have been touched by the efforts to save abandoned babies. Whether through the bravery of the mothers or the compassion of those who help them, these stories remind us that every life is precious.

Inspiring stories like these show the importance of supporting women in crisis, offering them alternatives to abandonment, and helping them find the courage to make the best choices for their children. Through empathy and compassion, we can continue to create a world where no child is abandoned, and every life is cherished.

Join Us in Making a Difference

If you or someone you know is feeling scared or unsure about a pregnancy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Project Cuddle. We’re here to listen, support, and provide safe, non-judgmental guidance. Whether you need information on safe surrender, options, or just someone to talk to, we’re ready to help you make informed and legal decisions. You are not alone, and your call will always be confidential. Let us be a resource for you—call our office today or use our hotline if you need immediate assistance.

Tune in next month and there will be more to come.

Hugs & Cuddles.

-Debbie Magnuson The Baby Saver